Friday, July 9, 2010

When Visitors Call

I just had an experience that I’m sure many of you can relate to.

First, a little background…Our apartment has been a bit of a disaster recently. A large part of that is a direct result of how I’ve been feeling in my first trimester. Until this past week, my energy has been completely depleted by 5:00 PM everyday. And with a full day’s work ending for BJ and I at that same time, cleaning has fallen by the wayside. BJ has been wonderful in helping keep things together, but that is a lot for one person (especially when he is also cooking meals and buying groceries because I can’t think about food without feeling nauseas). The beautiful news is that the morning sickness is beginning to pass! The bad news is that our apartment is such a mess that neither of us wants to be in it.

Back to today…I was out running errands when I received a surprise phone call from some amazing friends who wanted to stop by and visit me. I was excited to take them up on the offer and then rushed home to begin cleaning the living room and bathroom (aka - the areas they would see). I hid items in other rooms and closed the doors, giving the illusion that the rest of the home looked like the two rooms on display. The clean-up was made complete by turning on some Allison Kraus, reapplying my makeup and flossing away the remnants of my lunch. Now my apartment looked fresh and so did I!

I’m sure you can relate to my panic. As things came together enough for me to welcome company, I thought about how nice everything felt and I wished I made space to enjoy my home like that more often. Then I remembered something I read earlier in the week. Paul is writing about what is expected for leaders in the church. In 1 Timothy 3:4-5 he says that “ He must be one who manages his own household well…if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will take care of the church of God?” I realize that Paul was speaking more specifically to a man’s family, but I couldn’t help but feel a connection to my messy home.

Disclaimer: Please understand two things before reading on. (1) I am NOT saying that we need to keep spotless homes. Life is full of messiness and I believe that we need to give ourselves grace and room to let things fall apart. I recognize that the first trimester of pregnancy is a unique time and that housework really couldn’t be a top priority. (2) I am also not endorsing the idea that we should put on a good face for our friends and give them the impression that our homes (or our lives) are perfect and without blemish. Honesty and vulnerability are two of the most beautiful things we can offer the world. Both of these points could be separate conversations within themselves. This post isn’t about addressing either of them.

So here’s my question…Why is it that when we find out someone is coming over, we frantically try to get our stuff together? Why is it suddenly more important because someone else is looking? Taking care of what I’ve been given should be important regardless of whether or not I have an audience. An audience can give me the applause that I love, but then my motive is about pleasing them. Instead, my motive should be about honoring God by being a good steward with the gifts he has given me.

Whether it is our home, our belongings, our health, our finances, or something else He has given us, we are called to be responsible with it. I need to care for my home by keeping up with it. I should take care of the body He gave me by eating well, exercising and resting. He gave me my mind, but it’s my responsibility to care for it by honoring my mental health. BJ and I are constantly sustained financially through His provision and we are called to be wise and discerning in how we spend that money in return. We have been blessed with more than we need in every area of our lives…and it is our job to honor God with how we treat those blessings.

What about you?

Do you find yourself more willing to take care of things that people see?

What has God given you that you could be a better steward of?